Discharge Petition No. 12

June 4th, 2024

Motion to Discharge a Committee from the Consideration of a Resolution

Pursuant to clause 2 of rule XV, I, Kathy E. Manning, move to discharge the Committee on Rules from the consideration of the resolution (H.Res. 1240) entitled, a resolution providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 4121) to protect an individual's ability to access contraceptives and to engage in contraception and to protect a health care provider's ability to provide contraceptives, contraception, and information related to contraception, which was referred to said committee May 17th, 2024, in support of which motion the undersigned Members of the House of Representatives affix their signatures, to wit:

118th Congress

H.Res. 1240

June 4th, 2024

Kathy E. Manning

May 17th, 2024


June 4th, 2024

June 5th, 2024

June 11th, 2024

June 12th, 2024