
House Leadership is elected every two years at the beginning of a new Congress. The Speaker of the House is elected by the entire membership of the House, and other majority party and minority party leaders are selected by Members of each party's delegation. The Democratic Caucus is the formal organization of Democratic Members; the Republican Conference is the formal organization of Republican Members in the House.

Photo of Rep. Mike Johnson

Rep. Mike Johnson

Elected by the entire membership of the House of Representatives, the Speaker presides over the House as its administrative head and serves as the leader of the majority party in the chamber.

Republican Leadership

  • Photo of Rep. Steve Scalise

    Rep. Steve Scalise

    Elected by the Republican Conference, the Majority Leader helps plan the legislative agenda for the House and schedules legislative business.

  • Photo of Rep. Tom Emmer

    Rep. Tom Emmer

    Elected by the Republican Conference, the Majority Whip maintains communication between party leadership and members, builds Member support for the leadership's priorities, and informs and mobilizes Members on voting on key legislation.

  • Photo of Rep. Lisa C. McClain

    Rep. Lisa C. McClain

    Elected by the Republican Conference, the Chair presides over conference meetings.

  • Photo of Rep. Kevin Hern

    Rep. Kevin Hern

    Elected by the Republican Conference, the Policy Committee Chair helps formulate and promote Republican policy initiatives.

Democratic Leadership

  • Photo of Rep. Hakeem S. Jeffries

    Rep. Hakeem S. Jeffries

    Elected by the Democratic Caucus, the Minority Leader directs the party’s legislative strategies and operations and serves as a spokesperson for the minority party.

  • Photo of Rep. Katherine M. Clark

    Rep. Katherine M. Clark

    Elected by the Democratic Caucus, the Whip maintains communication between party leadership and members, builds Member support for the leadership's priorities, and informs and mobilizes Members on voting on key legislation.

  • Photo of Rep. Pete Aguilar

    Rep. Pete Aguilar

    Elected by the Democratic Caucus, the Chair presides over caucus meetings.

  • Photo of Rep. Ted Lieu

    Rep. Ted Lieu

    Elected by the Democratic Caucus, the Co-Chairs lead the policy-making arm of the House Democrats.