Roll |
Date |
Issue |
Question |
Result |
Title/Description |
99 |
28-Apr |
H RES 151 |
On Agreeing to the Resolution |
P |
Providing for Consideration of Certain Bills and Resolutions Concerning the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia |
98 |
28-Apr |
On Approving the Journal |
P |
97 |
27-Apr |
H R 1554 |
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended |
P |
Satellite Copyright, Competition, and Consumer Protection Act |
96 |
22-Apr |
H R 1141 |
On Motion to Instruct Conferees |
P |
Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for FY 1999 |
95 |
21-Apr |
H R 1184 |
On Passage |
P |
Earthquake Hazards Reduction Authorization Act |
94 |
21-Apr |
H R 800 |
On Agreeing to the Conference Report |
P |
Education Flexibility Partnership Act |
93 |
20-Apr |
H RES 128 |
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, as Amended |
P |
Condemning the Murder of Human Rights Lawyer Rosemary Nelson and Calling for the Protection of Defense Attorneys in Northern Ireland |
92 |
20-Apr |
H R 573 |
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended |
P |
To Authorize the President to Award a Gold Medal on Behalf of the Congress to Rosa Parks in Recognition of Her Contribution to the Nation |
91 |
15-Apr |
H R 1376 |
On Passage |
P |
Availability of Certain Tax Benefits For Services As Part of Operation Allied Force |
90 |
15-Apr |
H J RES 37 |
On Passage |
F |
Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of the United States With Respect to Tax Limitations |
89 |
14-Apr |
H R 472 |
On Passage |
P |
Local Census Quality Control Act |
88 |
14-Apr |
H R 472 |
On Agreeing to the Amendment |
F |
Maloney of New York Substitute Amendment |
87 |
14-Apr |
H RES 138 |
On Agreeing to the Resolution |
P |
Providing for the consideration of H.R. 472, Local Census Quality Control Act |
86 |
14-Apr |
H RES 138 |
On Ordering the Previous Question |
P |
Providing for the consideration of H.R. 472, Local Census Quality Control Act |
85 |
14-Apr |
H CON RES 68 |
On Agreeing to the Conference Report |
P |
Congressional Budget for U.S. Government for FY 2000 |
84 |
14-Apr |
H RES 137 |
On Agreeing to the Resolution |
P |
Waiving Points of Order Against the Conference Report H. Con. Res 68, Congressional Budget for U.S.Government for FY 2000 |
83 |
14-Apr |
On Approving the Journal |
P |
82 |
13-Apr |
H CON RES 35 |
On Motion to Suspend Rules and Agree, as Amended |
P |
Congratulating the State of Qatar and its Citizens for their Commitment to Democratic Ideals and Womens Suffrage |
81 |
13-Apr |
H R 46 |
On Motion to Suspend Rules and Pass |
P |
Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor Act of 1999 |
80 |
12-Apr |
H CON RES 68 |
On Motion to Instruct Conferees |
P |
Congressional Budget for U.S. Government for FY 2000 |
79 |
12-Apr |
H R 911 |
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended |
P |
To Designate the Federal Building located at 310 New Bern Avenue in Raleigh, North Carolina, as the Terry Sanford Federal Building. |
78 |
12-Apr |
H RES 135 |
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree |
P |
Agree to Senate Amendments with Amendment to H.R. 98, Aviation War Risk Insurance Program Extension |
77 |
25-Mar |
H CON RES 68 |
On Agreeing to the Resolution |
P |
Congressional Budget for U.S. Government for FY 2000 |
76 |
25-Mar |
H CON RES 68 |
On Agreeing to the Amendment |
F |
Spratt of South Carolina Substitute Amendment |
75 |
25-Mar |
H CON RES 68 |
On Agreeing to the Amendment |
F |
Minge of Minnesota Substitute Amendment |
74 |
25-Mar |
H CON RES 68 |
On Agreeing to the Amendment |
F |
Coburn of Oklahoma Substitute Amendment |
73 |
25-Mar |
H RES 131 |
On Agreeing to the Resolution |
P |
Providing for the consideration of H. Con. Res. 68, Congressional Budget for U.S. Government for FY 2000 |
72 |
25-Mar |
H RES 131 |
On Ordering the Previous Question |
P |
Providing for the consideration of H. Con. Res. 68, Congressional Budget for U.S. Government for FY 2000 |
71 |
24-Mar |
H RES 130 |
On Agreeing to the Resolution |
P |
Expressing support of the House of Representatives for the members of the U.S. Armed Forces engaged in military operations against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia |
70 |
24-Mar |
H R 1141 |
On Passage |
P |
Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for FY 1999 |
69 |
24-Mar |
H R 1141 |
On Agreeing to the Amendment |
F |
Tiahrt of Kansas Amendment |
68 |
24-Mar |
H R 1141 |
On Agreeing to the Amendment |
F |
Obey of Wisconsin Amendment |
67 |
24-Mar |
H R 1141 |
On Agreeing to the Amendment |
F |
Stenholm of Texas Amendment |
66 |
23-Mar |
H RES 101 |
On Agreeing to the Resolution |
P |
Committee Funding Resolution for the 106th Congress |
65 |
23-Mar |
H RES 101 |
On Motion to Recommit with Instructions |
F |
Committee Funding Resolution for the 106th Congress |
64 |
23-Mar |
H R 800 |
On Motion to Instruct Conferees |
F |
Education Flexibility Partnership Act |
63 |
23-Mar |
H CON RES 37 |
Suspend the Rules and Agree, as amended |
P |
Concerning Anti-Semitic Statements Made by Members of the Duma of the Russian Federation |
62 |
23-Mar |
H CON RES 56 |
Suspend the Rules and Agree |
P |
Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act |
61 |
23-Mar |
H R 70 |
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass |
P |
Arlington National Cemetery Burial Eligibility Act |
60 |
23-Mar |
H RES 121 |
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree |
F |
Affirming the Congress Opposition to All Forms of Racism and Bigotry |
59 |
18-Mar |
H R 4 |
On Passage |
P |
National Missile Defense System |
58 |
18-Mar |
H R 4 |
On Motion to Recommit with Instructions |
F |
National Missile Defense System |
57 |
18-Mar |
H RES 120 |
On Agreeing to the Resolution |
P |
Providing for consideration of H.R. 4; National Missile Defense System |
56 |
17-Mar |
H R 975 |
On Passage |
P |
Provide for a Reduction in the Volume of Steel Imports |
55 |
17-Mar |
H R 820 |
On Passage |
P |
Coast Guard Authorization Act of 1999 |
54 |
17-Mar |
H R 820 |
On Agreeing to the Amendment |
A |
LoBiondo of New Jersey Amendment |
53 |
17-Mar |
H R 820 |
On Agreeing to the Amendment |
A |
Upton of Michigan Amendment |
52 |
16-Mar |
H CON RES 24 |
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree |
P |
Expressing Congressional Opposition to the Unilateral Declaration of a Palestinian State |
51 |
16-Mar |
H R 774 |
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended |
P |
Womens Business Center Amendments Act of 1999 |
50 |
16-Mar |
H R 819 |
On Passage |
P |
Federal Maritime Commission Authorization Act |
49 |
11-Mar |
H CON RES 42 |
On Agreeing to the Resolution |
P |
Peacekeeping Operations in Kosovo |
48 |
11-Mar |
H CON RES 42 |
On Agreeing to the Amendment |
F |
Fowler of Florida to Gejdenson of Connecticut |
47 |
11-Mar |
Sustain the ruling of the chair |
P |
46 |
11-Mar |
H RES 103 |
On Agreeing to the Resolution |
P |
Providing for consideration of H.Con.Res. 42; Peacekeeping Operations in Kosovo |
45 |
11-Mar |
H RES 103 |
On Ordering the Previous Question |
P |
Providing for consideration of H.Con.Res. 42; Peacekeeping Operations in Kosovo |
44 |
11-Mar |
H CON RES 28 |
Suspend the rules and agree, as amended |
P |
Expressing the Sense of Congress criticizing China for its Human Rights Abuses |
43 |
11-Mar |
H RES 32 |
Suspend the Rules and Agree |
P |
Expressing Support for Open Elections in Indonesia |
42 |
11-Mar |
H R 808 |
Suspend the rules and pass, as amended |
P |
Short-Term Extension of Farm Bankruptcy Law |
41 |
11-Mar |
H R 800 |
On Passage |
P |
Education Flexibility Partnership Act |
40 |
11-Mar |
H R 800 |
On Agreeing to the Amendment |
F |
Scott of Virginia Amendment |
39 |
10-Mar |
H R 800 |
On Agreeing to the Amendment |
F |
George Miller of California Amendment |
38 |
10-Mar |
H R 800 |
On Agreeing to the Amendment |
A |
Ehlers of Michigan Amendment |
37 |
10-Mar |
H R 800 |
On Agreeing to the Amendment |
F |
Holt of New Jersey to Ehlers of Michigan Amendment |
36 |
10-Mar |
H RES 100 |
On Ordering the Previous Question |
P |
Providing for consideration of H.R. 800; Education Flexibility Partnership Act |
35 |
10-Mar |
H R 540 |
Suspend the Rules and Pass |
P |
Nursing Home Resident Protection Amendments |
34 |
10-Mar |
On Approving the Journal |
P |
33 |
4-Mar |
H R 707 |
On Passage |
P |
Disaster Mitigation and Cost Reduction Act |
32 |
3-Mar |
H R 603 |
On Passage |
P |
Clarify the Application of the Death on the High Seas Act to Aviation Incidents |
31 |
3-Mar |
H R 669 |
On Passage |
P |
Peace Corps Authorizations FY2000-FY2003 |
30 |
2-Mar |
H R 609 |
Suspend the rules and pass |
P |
To Amend the Export Apple and Pear Act to Limit the Applicability of the Act to Apples |
29 |
2-Mar |
H J RES 32 |
Suspend the rules and pass, as amended |
P |
Expressing the Sense of the Congress Concerning the Social Security Guarantee Initiative |
28 |
25-Feb |
H R 514 |
On Passage |
P |
Wireless Privacy Enhancement Act |
27 |
25-Feb |
On Approving the Journal |
P |
26 |
24-Feb |
H R 409 |
On Passage |
P |
Federal Financial Assistance Management Improvement Act |
25 |
24-Feb |
H R 436 |
On Passage |
P |
Government Waste, Fraud and Error Reduction Act |
24 |
24-Feb |
H R 438 |
On Passage |
P |
Wireless Communications and Public Safety Act |
23 |
23-Feb |
H R 193 |
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended |
P |
Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Wild and Scenic River Act |
22 |
23-Feb |
H R 171 |
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass |
P |
Coastal Heritage Trail Route in New Jersey |
21 |
11-Feb |
H R 437 |
On Passage |
P |
Presidential and Executive Office Financial Accountability Act |
20 |
11-Feb |
H R 391 |
On Passage |
P |
Small Business Paperwork Reduction Act Amendments |
19 |
11-Feb |
H R 391 |
On Agreeing to the Amendment |
F |
Kucinich of Ohio Amendment |
18 |
10-Feb |
On Agreeing to the Resolution |
P |
Honoring the life and legacy of King Hussein ibn Talal al-Hashem |
17 |
10-Feb |
H R 350 |
On Passage |
P |
Mandates Information Act |
16 |
10-Feb |
H R 350 |
On Agreeing to the Amendment |
F |
Waxman of California Amendment |
15 |
10-Feb |
H R 350 |
On Agreeing to the Amendment |
F |
Boehlert of New York Amendment |
14 |
9-Feb |
H R 435 |
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass |
P |
Miscellaneous Trade and Technical Corrections Act |
13 |
9-Feb |
H R 439 |
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass |
P |
Paperwork Elimination Act |
12 |
9-Feb |
H R 440 |
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended |
P |
Microloan Program Technical Corrections Act |
11 |
3-Feb |
On Approving the Journal |
P |
10 |
3-Feb |
H R 98 |
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended |
P |
Aviation War Risk Insurance Program Extension |
9 |
3-Feb |
H R 99 |
On Passage |
P |
Federal Aviation Administration Programs Extension |
8 |
2-Feb |
H R 432 |
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass |
P |
Dante B. Fascell North-South Center Designation |
7 |
2-Feb |
H R 68 |
On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended |
P |
Small Business Investment Company Technical Corrections Act |
6 |
6-Jan |
H RES 10 |
On Agreeing to the Resolution |
P |
Appointment of Managers to Conduct an Impeachment Trial |
5 |
6-Jan |
H RES 5 |
On Agreeing to the Resolution |
P |
Adopting rules for the One Hundred Sixth Congress |
4 |
6-Jan |
H RES 5 |
On Motion to Commit with Instructions |
F |
Adopting rules for the One Hundred Sixth Congress |
3 |
6-Jan |
H RES 5 |
On Ordering the Previous Question |
P |
Adopting rules for the One Hundred Sixth Congress |
2 |
6-JAN |
Election of the Speaker |
H |
1 |
6-Jan |
Call of the House |
P |